Cryptosporidiosis: A Potential Anti-diarrheal Natural Product Drug Discovery Journey in Ghana, West Africa|Journal of Scientific Research and Reports

The increasing resistance to current medications, as well as the exhaustion of drug development interventions and synthetic libraries, has forced researchers to turn to natural product-derived innovative therapeutic prospects. Cryptosporidium, the organism that causes Cryptosporidiosis, is no different. The diarrhea-causing parasite is the primary cause of death in children under the age of five in underdeveloped countries such as Ghana, and is second only to rotavirus as the cause of diarrhoea in newborn calves and babies. Nitazoxanide is currently the sole FDA-approved medication for the treatment of Cryptosporidiosis. As a result, innovative alternative alternatives must be developed in order to help in the reduction of child mortality and malnutrition in poor nations. Despite major difficulties in the creation of anti-cryptosporidial drugs in vitro and in vivo, important progress is being made, and this paper highlights the need for natural product research. Some of the research included in this publication suggest that plant extracts may be effective against cryptosporidiosis. We are confident of achieving great achievements in the realm of natural product Cryptosporidium medication development in Africa with the plethora of medicinal plant products and Cryptosporidium in vitro culture knowledge accessible in our labs at Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research.

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