Critical Drinking Habit and Its Implications for Alcoholics in the Family Premises: A Case Study of Punjab (India)| Advances in Research

In today’s environment, drinking has become a big source of concern. Depending on how this chemical is used, it can have both positive and bad repercussions. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the harmful effects of critical drinking. It focuses on how critical drinking presents itself in many forms of issues for alcoholics and contributes to the societal problem of alcoholism. The main goal of this research is to learn how alcoholism destroys alcoholics’ lives and the challenges they experience as a result of their severe addiction in the home. The current study’s research question aims to see if alcoholics are the issue creators in society or if they are also victims of their habits. This study is based on original data obtained from 100 alcoholics from various districts of Punjab, with the concept of alcoholic in mind. In addition, procedures such as the snowballing approach, a semi-structured interview schedule, participant observation, and others were employed to generate the primary data for this study. According to the findings, alcoholics encounter a variety of social problems ranging from small to serious as a result of their problematic drinking habits. In the majority of cases, a normal drinking habit develops into a critical drinking pattern, increasing the risk of problems for both alcoholics and non-alcoholics. According to the findings, alcoholics are not only troublemakers in society, but also victims of their own misfortune. Furthermore, these issues exacerbate alcoholics’ drinking behaviours. As a result, a vicious spiral of excessive drinking and associated disorders emerges.

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Critical Drinking Habit and Its Implications for Alcoholics in the Family Premises: A Case Study of Punjab (India) | Advances in Research

Drinking has become a major area of concern in contemporary modern world. It has both positive and negative consequences depending upon the pattern of use of this substance. The present article talks about the negative consequences of critical drinking. In particular, it discusses how critical drinking manifests into different types of problems for the alcoholics, and causes the problem of alcoholism in society. The main objective of this study is to understand how alcoholism ruins the life of alcoholics and the kind of problems they face due to their critical addiction in the family premises. The research question for the present study is to  determine whether alcoholics are the problem creator in society, or they are also victims of their habits? This study is based on primary data collected from 100 alcoholics from different parts of Punjab while keeping in mind the definition of alcoholic. And, in order to   generate the primary data of the present study, the methods like snowballing technique, semi-structured interview schedule, participant observation etc. have been used. The study has found that the alcoholics face multiple social problems, which vary from minor to major,  due to their critical drinking habit. In most of the cases, normal drinking habit turns into critical drinking pattern, which increases the possibility of troubles for alcoholics as well as for others. The study concludes that alcoholics are not merely the troublemakers in society but they are also the victims of their own misfortune. Moreover, these problems further worsen the alcoholics’ drinking habits. Resultantly, this all turns into the vicious circle of excessive drinking and associated problems.

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